How to get billions of toxin zombie cafe

一直對ZombieCafe的員工在研究目前自己發現的狀況是:警察Policemen1toxic很爛容易被打掛還要毒藥才能感染不用買了女生Politician$100個人覺得用女生星星成長的 ...,1.Fastestwayistopurchasethem.2.Frequentfryer.Startadisheveryday.Afterthefirst10days,you'llge...。參考影片的文章的如下:


527更新!新增主廚頭像&員工經驗值【殭屍餐廳】Zombie Cafe

一直對Zombie Cafe的員工在研究目前自己發現的狀況是: 警察Policemen 1 toxic 很爛容易被打掛還要毒藥才能感染不用買了女生Politician $100 個人覺得用女生星星成長的 ...

How do you get toxins fast in zombie cafe?

1. Fastest way is to purchase them. 2. Frequent fryer. Start a dish every day. After the first 10 days, you'll get 4 toxins per week doing this. 3. Invite ...

Toxin | Zombie Cafe Wiki

Toxin (毒) is special currency that is VITAL in game. you get rarely by raiding, watch videos, etc. ... or by HACKING.

Zombie Cafe

Cook new Toxin recipes to unlock FREE Zombies in our newest Zombie Cafe update, coming soon! Halah ...

Zombie Cafe - How to save Toxins

2011年2月1日 — You will be told to cook a Mystery Meat and then told to use a Toxin to 'Finish' the meal immediately. Just wait for 2 minutes for the Mystery ...

Zombie Cafe Revival - Available Now!

2023年7月22日 — Will you be adding ways to get toxin more easily, perhaps even letting players buy toxin? Game is worming great but once you get to level 9 ...

Zombie Cafe Toxin & Money 修改法 - 越秀

2012年9月16日 — Zombie Cafe Toxin & Money 修改法Toxin 可以擴充餐廳感染攻擊力強的殭屍角色 佈置裝潢餐廳,Toxin多多真好不需JB , 只要情趣用品軟體兩套iphone ...

【新手教程】Zombie Cafe用Cydia刷TOXIN的傻瓜教程

2012年2月18日 — 01.打开Cydia,如图,搜索IAP CRACKER · 02.安装(﹁﹁)❤ · 03.安装完成后,进入你的ZOMBIE CAFE · 04.再打开TOXIN的购买页面,请随意SHOPPING(﹁﹁)

關於Zombie Cafe突然不能進入遊戲的問題....(Capcom的回信)

2011年3月8日 — Hello, If you have turned your device off*, and re-synced your device with iTunes on your computer, and it did not resolve the issue, the game ...


一直對ZombieCafe的員工在研究目前自己發現的狀況是:警察Policemen1toxic很爛容易被打掛還要毒藥才能感染不用買了女生Politician$100個人覺得用女生星星成長的 ...,1.Fastestwayistopurchasethem.2.Frequentfryer.Startadisheveryday.Afterthefirst10days,you'llget4toxinsperweekdoingthis.3.Invite ...,Toxin(毒)isspecialcurrencythatisVITALingame.yougetrarelybyraiding,watchvideos,etc....orbyHACKING.,CooknewToxinre...